Wall outlets

Hey everyone, don’t kill me I know it’s been talked about a bit. I’m am currently about to upgrade my wall outlet. Commercial vs Audio outlets. The general consensus is commercial hospital outlets would work but they can strip the coating off our nice power cables. I have talked a bit with @audphile1 on this matter. Furutech has my attention. I have considered upgrading my power cable to the Furutech DPS 4.1 cable and get a Furutech outlet with the same finish. A friend of mine is an electrician and has offered to install a new outlet behind my rack. He said I could pay with a case of beer. Haha. Sorry if I started a new 🔥🔥🔥. The forum is fun, there is far more knowledge here than we are going to find anywhere else IMO. Also I finally got my virtual system up for anyone to take a look. Thanks everyone


Showing 1 response by puptent

Orange colored outlets signify an isolated ground. In other words a dedicated ground wire to earth, not a mechanical connection through the ears, or whatever. In older installations where people may have added their own circuits, the neutral bus can become unbalance, or develop a voltage potential. Correcting neutral, or having an electrician check for voltage between neutral and ground should be the first step. An expensive outlet will not fix a voltage potential on the neutral. As a former Plant Engineer we fought CNC gremlins and computer bugs. Cleaning up the electrical panels and finding the junctions where a neutral was "borrowed", then adding an isolated ground dedicated to computers only (no motors!!!) fixed almost all the problems. We were stumped trying to balance the computer programmers   :)