Wadia Inuition (Class D amp) connect with subwoofer


it is possible to connect subwoofer SVS SB-1000 with Wadia Inuition (Class D amp) via speaker connectors ?  Did anyone connect Wadia Inuition with subwoofer ?

Thank you!

To nobble100:

So why is REL saying that 90% of class D subs have positive voltage coming from the black (-) terminal? Is this a load of crap?



JL Audio LoC-22 - line output converter may work for your setup.

Wadia Inuition speaker connectors > JL Audio LoC-22 > SVS SB-1000 line level input.

The JL Audio LoC-22 featured differential-balanced input architecture and compatibility with most amplifiers. It is a active speaker level to line converter need a 12V dc power supply.
You can contact JL Audio to confirm if their LoC-22 compatible with your Wadia Inuition.

JL Audio Customer Service: (954) 443-1100

Hello spacelab4,

     These Wadia product experts couldn't also tell you how to safely hookup a sub to the Intuition?  I suspect they really were not certain and were erring on the side of caution. In my opinion, this is somewhat understandable but it's not good customer service and it's unacceptable due to it not being completely reliable nor solving your issue with their product.
     I suggest calling them back and requesting to speak to an engineer at the company, or at least one of their technical support reps, and ask again.

Below is the official response from Wadia support.

"No, a common ground speaker connection will damage the Intuition"
Hello Tim,

thanks for your answer. I read about using a good quality power cord and I read all the reviews about Wadia on Internet.


Hello Spacelab,

     SVS is correct and I'm certain that I'm correct.  You won't have any issues.
     BTW, I like your Wadia integrated and read a few very good reviews on its performance.  Most of them mention that performance is improved significantly by using a good quality aftermarket power cord.  It doesn't have to be an expensive one, you may want to read a few reviews on the Intuition and aftermarket power cords in general.

  Best wishes,
I am not an expert. I think the issue you are concerned about is if your have a true differential (complementary) circuit. If so the negative speaker levels are not a true ground and can short your amp if touched together. Many balanced circuits are not complementary so maybe you know that yours is? I believe this is the same as supporting the AES 48 standard but again I am no pro but know enough to be dangerous.  
Hello Tim,

thanks for your answer. I got that information from an electronics engineer, but I also see that it is written about on the Internet. The Wadia amp's manual do not say anything about that. I sent an inquiry in Wadia but did not receive a response. I sent an inquiry in SVS, they say there should be no problems. I hope you're right.

audio forums:


spacelab4:" It is not a problem in the load, the problem can arise if the minus of the speaker socket on the Wadija if is not a real minus but an active inverted output that D clas can have. Subs on loudspeaker level inputs generally have a minus of that input tied to ground. This can lead to malfunction. For that reason I am not sure."  

Hello Spacelab,

     An active inverted output that class D can have? Where did you read, or who told you, about this complete falsehood and load of crap?  There's a lot of disinformation that's been spread on audio forums over the years about class D, but this one just may take the prize for one of the most illogical, unbelievable and completely false.  This is the 1st time I heard about this lie.
     Over the past 2 decades, I've used 1-2 self amplified subs in my various systems with class D amps with no issues at all.  Class D amps are just a different type of solid state amplifier and there is no such thing as an active inverted output, and it's safe to use 1-4 self amplified subs, with any ss amp whether it's class type A, AB, D or H. 
     In fact, class D is probably the safest type of ss amp to use subs with due to their self monitoring circuitry that quickly shuts itself down when any serious condition is detected.  I suggest you reread your Wadia amp's manual and learn more about them.

Best wishes,
Hello Tim,

thanks for your answer, I understand the way it connects. It is not a problem in the load, the problem can arise if the minus of the speaker socket on the Wadija if is not a real minus but an active inverted output that D clas can have. Subs on loudspeaker level inputs generally have a minus of that input tied to ground. This can lead to malfunction. For that reason I am not sure.


Hello spacelab4,

     Yes, you can connect the SVS SB-1000 sub to your Wadia Intuition integrated amp via the high level speaker connectors.
      The only issue I noticed is that your Wadia uses banana plugs to connect to its speaker outputs. That is, a red pos. and black neg, banana plugs connect to the amp's speaker outputs and pos. and neg. bare wires, on the other end, connect to each of your left and right speaker inputs.
      I believe the simplest method, to hook up the SVS sub, is to use two 18 gauge or thicker speaker wires with bare + and - connections on each end. Connect one wire's + and - terminating wire to the left speaker's + and - terminal inputs and connect the opposite end of one wire's + and - terminating wires to the SVS sub's 'high level speaker input' left channel input. Connect the other wire's + and - terminating wire to the right speaker's + and - terminal inputs and connect the opposite end of other wire's + and - terminating wires to the SVS sub's 'high level speaker input' right channel input.  
      NOTE: This connection method will require you to double up the bare wire+ and - connections on the back of both your left and right speakers. Don't worry, the connections between each speaker and the SVS sub are only fractions of an ohm in impedance and will not negatively effect your speakers or Wadia integrated amp/power dac.

Best wishes,