Hey Philefreak,
How bout them Eagles? I have a Wadia 861 with a GNSC statement upgrade and I have changed every piece in my system over the last couple of years with the exception of my Wadia. Yes, I've had it modified, but every time I send it to Steve for something, I get it back sounding better than ever. Some day I plan on having the SE upgrade done. In the meantime, I have experimented with algorythm changes and I ultimately ended up on A.
How bout them Eagles? I have a Wadia 861 with a GNSC statement upgrade and I have changed every piece in my system over the last couple of years with the exception of my Wadia. Yes, I've had it modified, but every time I send it to Steve for something, I get it back sounding better than ever. Some day I plan on having the SE upgrade done. In the meantime, I have experimented with algorythm changes and I ultimately ended up on A.