VPI upgrade?

I'd like to upgrade my turntable, a VPI Scout 1.1. w/ Ortofon 2M Black cart....

Question, staying with VPI, is  Prime a significant upgrade? Also, using a Channel Island phono pre...I'll be buying used, budget $3500.

I might regret this, any other sugestions?



I’ll be watching this thread but I’d like to ask why are you moving on? I too run a scout 1.1 but never had the urge to move it up. Just moved carts. ( side note: I went from the bronze to the black then to a Hana sl….I am staying in the Hana family) 


Assuming your rig is optimized, a LOMC alone can be a welcome upgrade.

The Prime will have the 3D arm, so depending on who you you ask, it is an upgrade.

Your budget with patience, could find something quite good. VPI or another brand.

I'd look for a  Classic 3 or late model Aries if staying VPI.