VPI Traveler and Lyra Delos

Is the Delos overkill on the Traveler? I have a Dynavector 20x2M currently, but I'm keeping an eye out for a replacement sooner rather than later. 

Jonathan Carr, the maker of Lyra cartridges has stated that his cartridges require a high quality arm because they transmit a lot of vibrational energy to the arm. This energy must be damped or dissipated properly and the arm bearings must be very rigid so that the arm does
not rattle.
 True. It works best with stable Arms which also have a rigid bearing and superior energy transfer. Otherwise it lacks bass, is thin sounding and is far away from its abilities.
Of course you can try it and when you spent the money you will be impressed but I think, you will hear only 25% (max) what it can really do.
when you look for an alternative for your combo, check out Zyx. They do not reflect so much  and will work better in this Arm.

Has anyone tried a Lyra Delos in a Well Tempered arm? The liquid bearing is basically immune to cartridges that put out a lot of energy.
I'm considering this combo.

Thanks for all the feedback. I think I'll stick with a DV of some variation until I upgrade tables/arms. 
$2k is a lot for a cartridge. By all accounts the Lyra is worth it, but you probably need at least $5k table/arm and $3k phono stage plus really good cable to get the most out of it.

Interesting thread. 

I own a Lyra Kleos which is mounted on an upgraded Classic 3 tonearm and base.  Of course, like most VPI arms, the Classic 3 arm is a unipivot.

Are you saying that VPI unipiovot arms and the Kleos (or Delos) are not a good match? 

Admittedly, I never heard my Kleos on another TT, but it seems to play well.
