VPI TNT Bearing question

Trolling the net tonight and ran across a site that showed a MK 5 bearing for the TNT which was attached to the table via a large threaded nut which screwed onto the bearing housing making the housing the equivalent of a giant bolt and nut.

Has anyone done this upgrade? Results? It was suggested that the improvement came from the different attachment method rather than any change in the bearing itself.

Thoughts and experiences?

Showing 2 responses by ketchup

I am not sure if your could get the appropriate torque without stripping the soft aluminum threads

Does VPI give a torque spec for any of their bearings? If you were to strip aluminum threads tightening any component on a turntable you are applying way to much force.

It's probably very hard to say. You would first need to know the bearing clearances that VPI is shooting for (it will be a range). For instance, if the bearing clearances are 0.0010", is 0.0015" acceptable or does VPI try to keep it to within 0.0003 instead? Maybe they're going for 0.0002"? The price would change as the tolerances change.

Then there's the surface finishes of the bearing components. Better finishes will cost more money.

The cost of for a bearing with loose tolerances and poor surface finishes will be different than one with tight tolerances and better surface finishes.

If you ask a machinist for advice on what tolerances or surface finishes to shoot for, he may recommend something not even close to the quality that VPI offers as he probably doesn't know how these parameters affect the sound of the turntable. I think it's safe to say that he would not know unless he was a turntable manufacturer.