VPI Scoutmaster Upgrade

I presently have the following VPI Scoutmaster configuration:

VPI Scoutmaster
JMW-9 Sig. tonearm
Periphery Ring Clamp
Center Weight
Dynavector DV-20X Low MC
Dynavector P-75 MKII

I very please with this configuration but would like your opinion on an upgrade to my existing configuration to further improve the overall sound.

Showing 2 responses by stringreen

I think I'd go with Sonofjim's advice. The 10.5 upgrade is not as urgent as the heavy platter and rim drive...both major improvements.
Mordante...en contrar.. Sure you can play your records however you like, but the combination of the clamp and the center spindle weight act to flatten the record against the table. ..if nothing else, that now flattened record enables your arm to glide easily across the record without the trip being an obstacle course with undulations which encourages sports "sports car handling" for your cartridge. Yes I know your cartridge tracks well, however, an easy trip makes for better sound. I am also wondering if your dealer had the heavy platter installed. I encourage you to listen to that platter for final judgement.