VPI Scoutmaster Upgrade

I presently have the following VPI Scoutmaster configuration:

VPI Scoutmaster
JMW-9 Sig. tonearm
Periphery Ring Clamp
Center Weight
Dynavector DV-20X Low MC
Dynavector P-75 MKII

I very please with this configuration but would like your opinion on an upgrade to my existing configuration to further improve the overall sound.

Showing 1 response by artemus_5

The Phono preamp and cartridge are the weak spots IMO. I have the same cartridge which is a great bang for the buck. And I've heard that the P75 offers great synergy for the Dyna cartridges. However, IMO the phono preamp is often the most overlooked item in the analog chain. The upgrade to the Wright phono preamp put a bigger smile on my face than any other piece of equipment I have bought. That taught me the value of the phono preamp which I had before taken for granted. I am partial to the Wright and did a lot of research on it before buying it. I recommend it highly