VPI Prime or Scout or ???

Hi all,

I’m new to record players. I’ve always been a digital music person. That said, I’ve got s nice setup now and am looking for a record player for occasional records. I won’t be too serious about it and digital will remain my main source.

i know with some of the higher end players there is a learning curve but was hoping for something not too difficult to learn.

Being from NJ, I was pretty interested in VPI. I’m not sure I quite understand the differences between the Prime and Prime Scout. The Prime would probably be near the top of my budget. Also, I have no idea which cartridge to get. 

For context, I’ll mostly be listening to vintage jazz and rock. The turntable would feed into the Phono stage of my Mytek Manhattan. Any suggestions welcome! There is a pretty good deal on a Prime Scout I’m looking at so that’s why I figured I’d ask the experienced people here.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmayoradamwest

Showing 3 responses by knollbrent

As several have said. Align yourself with a local dealer that can help you with set up and some trouble shooting if necessary. Listen to a couple tables and have the dealer bring you up to speed on how vinyl chain works. 

VERY nice tables can be had for under $2000.
Many VERY nice carts are avail for under a $1000 including excellent vintage MM carts. 

Make sure your cartridge works well with your table, arm and phono pre. Pay a little extra to have someone show and help you set it up and you'll be listening to sweet music and not frustrated that everything sounds like crap. 
I've got the 1200 GR is the first table I purchased and love it! Tables need to fulfill many requirements. They must sound good, aesthetic quality is important and budget. I'm proud to say I'm a two turntable man now! I just purchased a vintage Luxman PD-444 from Japan and can't wait to try it out. Two tables under $4000. 

@mayoradamwest you'll find what you need, just take your time.