Von Schweikert VR2

Any suggestions on a good match for these speakers
would be greatly appreciated.
Right now, I am using my backup cables (Nordost Gold)

I have the speakers dialed in to the nth degree, and
now I need to ditch the stock jumpers & backup
cables. They are very detailed & dynamic with wide & deep
soundstage. Now I want to add
a degree of sweetness.

The rest of my gear consists of:

Spectron D-1 amp
EE Mini Max tube pre.
Audio Note Cd 2.1x cdp
Wireworld silver ic's
Stock Pc's. (Upgrade planned)

System right now sounds great but a little harsh (hashy)??
"sometimes", and seem to get somewhat of a headache after
long sessions (fatigue??) I'm sure it's the $75 dollar
cables & steel jumpers!!??

Thanks for any suggestions.

Well I think that's a long shot. The OP has a total of 3 posts on this site. Somehow I doubt he's still hanging around.


If he's still reading it would be interesting if he posted what he tried and what the final results were.
I have Avalons, Ayre Acoustics amp / preamp, Levinson 36s, McIntosh CD/DVD with Sota table, Morch arm and Ortofon high end MC cartridge. It's a very resolving and detailed rig. Plays loud with no loss of resolution.
I've experimented with many high end cables. Had a good ole friend that owned Reed Brothers in Charleston, SC. After much ado and testing, I have Cardas Golden Cross interconnects and bi-wire GC Cardas speaker cable. Makes a wonderfully addictive musically involved presentation. I have Kimbers well reviewed silver cables, and occasionally insert between EAR phone stage and pre-amp, boost up the mid range and treble for jazz bite. Happy listening and others have noted, listen to your ears in your system.

Holy Thread Revival, Batman!

16 years later. Do you think he picked some speaker cables by now?


I have Avalons, Ayre Acoustics amp / preamp, Levinson 36s, McIntosh CD/DVD with Sota table, Morch arm and Ortofon high end MC cartridge. It's a very resolving and detailed rig. Plays loud with no loss of resolution.
I've experimented with many high end cables.  Had a good ole friend that owned Reed Brothers in Charleston, SC.  After much ado and testing, I have Cardas Golden Cross interconnects and bi-wire GC Cardas speaker cable.  Makes a wonderfully addictive musically involved presentation.  I have Kimbers well reviewed silver cables, and occasionally insert between EAR phone stage and pre-amp, boost up the mid range and treble for jazz bite.  Happy listening and others have noted, listen to your ears in your system. 

Thanks for all the suggestions so far & keep them
What would you think of the Audience AU 24's in this system?
I agree with 9rw at that perhaps the batteries are low in Sedona's hearing aid, so please someone send him some Duracells, as to the silver wire I would replace with copper IC as suggested above. Wires do make a difference and there are lots of Co. that offer 30 day trial so pick up a few and let your ears be the judge!
Cable Company has a cable Library and for a small fee you can check many wires out. Happy Listening!
The characteristics you are describing are definitely for from the use of silver in the cables.

Go with a pure copper cable as recommended by Gmood1.
I would lose the Silver ICs or speaker cables.Go with some pure copper ICs.Digital amplifiers don't need the added emphasis in the higher freqs that silver gives... Had to do this myself. Silvers pretty good when using tube amps not so good on digital amplifiers.Especially when your tweeters have a range of 40 khz.
I have extremely nice sound with Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval (Bi-Wire Version). I run these from a Cary 300SEI. These are great ICs as well.
I upgraded to the VR-2 from the Triangle Celius to lose the ridiculous amount of brightness I heard on many recordings. It's the best audio move I've made thus far.
If you're into a "value" buy, you can't go wrong with any used Analysis Plus product.

Ozzy62 is absolutely correct. Sedona is undoubtedly a person who: a.) hasn't experimented with cables; b.) has a system incapable of resolving the differences; or, c.) needs new batteries for his hearing aid. ;)

Even my wife, who's not an audiophile, has heard major differences when I've changed speaker cables and interconnects. You don't have to spend a lot to get great cables, and more expensive ones often aren't better. Experiment and see for yourself.
Jim, I agree with Oz. I've been through many different cables and they all have various characteristics. It's true that a certain level of system resolution is required to identify different sonic signatures in anything interchanged. It's also true that there's much overpricing and excessive hype in the cable market. However, there are great values to be had if you do a little research and buy used cables. I personally have settled on the Virtual Dynamics cables for my present system. They do everything I expect and are a great value. The VD cables replaced cables that were 3x thier cost. Good luck, Dave
Let's see, a Bel Canto digital amp with Von Schweikert VR4 Gen III speakers, --- pay no attention to me I guess I don't have the kind of system to resove the differences cables can make. Or maybe I'm one of those people who think 99% of us couldn't tell the difference between various cables.

However, if you are one of the fortunate one's who can hear the difference please go with Oz's suggestion. Afterall, the Luminous cables are 'only' $12.00 per foot which shouldn't break the bank, and maybe they may even help 'add a degree of sweetness' lacking with your Nordost cables.

At any rate, best of Luck I understand the VR2's are good speakers.
This kind of post usually comes from someone who doesn't have the kind of system to resolve the differences cables can make. Pay no attention at all to this kind of "advice".

OTOH, many cables are way overpriced, stupidly so even. BUT, there are sonic improvements to be had over zip cord. Pick your budget and audition some brands in that price range. I would suggest to you the Luminous Audio Renaissance cables @ only 12.00/ft. These are excellent sounding and won't break the bank. I have compared them to offerings costing much more, and they were the clear winners. But probably the most important thing to you right now is to get rid of those jumpers and bi-wire. Something Sedona would probably disagree with also.

Go to Radio Shack and buy the best speaker cable they offer and call it a day - almost all the speaker cables and interconnects in this industry are overpriced and the biggest rip-off going. Nine out of ten, perhaps ten out of ten people couldn't tell the difference between one speaker cable over another.
Hi again,

This supposed to be a "speaker cable" recommendation.
I left it out of the header.
