Von Schweikert VR 3

Was wondering if anyone out there has had any experience with these. I would love to hear your comments and observations. Also, in comparison to Vandersteen 2C Sigs, are these better or worse?
I have a pair here that a friend has been kind enough to let me demo. I'm driving them with an Mac Mc275 IV. I can't seem to dial these in. I have tried a number of different positions yet, they never disappear into the soundstage. There is always a distinct left/right channel sound. Tonally, they are accurate and clear. Do I need more power? Better placement? Or, is this just the character of these speakers? Thanks!
After many, many placement adjustments, I have found the only way to get these speakers to image in my room is by toeing them directly into my listening position. They are approximately nine and 1/2 feet apart. Volume has to be moderately high. Now they are imaging beautifully. Rear firing tweeters are turned up just a smidge from being completely off. I've never had a speaker that had to be toed-in like this nor, required such volume to focus the vocals. Is this normal for this speaker? Or, am I still off base?
Close your spacing between the speakers up to 7-8 feet ane reduce the toe in. The large distance between them is likely leaving a hole in the middle of the soundstage. You are compensating for this with the extreme toe in.
Close your spacing between the speakers up to 7-8 feet ane reduce the toe in. The large distance between them is likely leaving a hole in the middle of the soundstage. You are compensating for this with the extreme toe in.
I agree, mine are about 7 ft apart, with no toe-in. I don't have any speakers that image well more than about 7-8 ft apart. My Sttafs are set at about 5 1/2 ft and throw a big sound stage.