Von Schweikert VR 3

Was wondering if anyone out there has had any experience with these. I would love to hear your comments and observations. Also, in comparison to Vandersteen 2C Sigs, are these better or worse?
I had a pair for several years. Hard to beat for the money. Bass is excellent. Midrange is very good and they soundstage way above their price point. I'm sure some of this depends on what kind of music you listen to and your associated equipment. I sold mine only when I could afford to move up the VS line. Sorry, I have no experience with Vandersteen speakers.
I have a friend who owns the VR-3's and I have listened to them many many times. I have owned the Vandies and in my opinion, while the Vandies are excellent loudspeakers and virtually impossible to beat for the money, the VR-3's are in a whole other league, and well they should be as they cost considerably more than the Vandies, although that isn't always a guarantee of better sound. I did manage once, to convince my friend to bring his Von Swenkerts to my house to audition with my equipment which is very different than his. This was after I had replaced the 2Ci's but the VR-3's sounded much better in my system then I remember the Vandies ever sounding. Like I said a whole different league altogether.
I have a pair of VR3's and even though I moved up to VR4genIII's kept them for a spare system. The value of them used is far below the quality of their performance. Top to bottom they're excellent.
Owned a pair and found them hard to beat for price versus performance. High points- bass, imaging & transparency.
Low points - not beautiful. Need power to open up and sound their best. Wish I had kept them......
I have a pair here that a friend has been kind enough to let me demo. I'm driving them with an Mac Mc275 IV. I can't seem to dial these in. I have tried a number of different positions yet, they never disappear into the soundstage. There is always a distinct left/right channel sound. Tonally, they are accurate and clear. Do I need more power? Better placement? Or, is this just the character of these speakers? Thanks!
After many, many placement adjustments, I have found the only way to get these speakers to image in my room is by toeing them directly into my listening position. They are approximately nine and 1/2 feet apart. Volume has to be moderately high. Now they are imaging beautifully. Rear firing tweeters are turned up just a smidge from being completely off. I've never had a speaker that had to be toed-in like this nor, required such volume to focus the vocals. Is this normal for this speaker? Or, am I still off base?
Close your spacing between the speakers up to 7-8 feet ane reduce the toe in. The large distance between them is likely leaving a hole in the middle of the soundstage. You are compensating for this with the extreme toe in.
Close your spacing between the speakers up to 7-8 feet ane reduce the toe in. The large distance between them is likely leaving a hole in the middle of the soundstage. You are compensating for this with the extreme toe in.
I agree, mine are about 7 ft apart, with no toe-in. I don't have any speakers that image well more than about 7-8 ft apart. My Sttafs are set at about 5 1/2 ft and throw a big sound stage.
According to the owner,these speakers have been sitting untouched for about 4 years. They seem to have just needed some breaking in. I've been playing them as much as possible for about 10 days now. At Bdgregory's suggestion, I've returned them to the original starting placement, approx. 7ft apart, facing straight ahead, no toe-in. Vocals are now locked in focus. I guess they were just stiff! Thanks to all for the guidance!!
i only have one vr 3.i bought it for the bass response.that is i might add truly great.midrange is also excellent.i run mine with the rear tweeter off as well.positioned straight ahead about 9 ft apart.best speaker i have owned for the money.i was fortunate to have paid less than 100.00 for the speaker.