volume question CD versus FM radio

Hi, I played my sony carousel  CD player today thru my OUTLAW RS 2160. I had to turn the volume much higher to hear the CDs compared to listening to the FM radio. What gives ? Regards

this is why a lot of McIntosh and other brands had 'trim' controls, to equalize the signal strength of several inputs, so the volume does not change input to input. Heresy, another attenuator in-line, out damn spot. It's a nice feature when needed.

have you checked the manual, I have had 2 players that had default 'fixed' output, and deep in the menu, 'variable' volume. My Onkyo had two sets of outputs for this, the Oppo a menu change. 

btw, don't count that Sony out. My garage sale Sony Carousel (5 discs) just equaled a supposedly superior player's sound quality, AGAIN. Years ago, it surprisingly sounded as good as my big Onkyo dual matched burr brown beast; and now matched another supposedly superior player. I kept the convenience, slightly smaller size, placement options, smaller remote, easier to read display  and sold the other. 

Your Sony CD spinner has a standard red book 2 Volt output. Most radio stations compress their broadcast signal for their listeners, who might be in automobiles, or otherwise might be inconvenienced due to listening environments or equipment limitations, and especially to compete with neighboring stations on the dial. High fidelity be damned.
hi, I definitely do not think the receiver is compressing anything. I listen to HD FM Jazz station and the range from soft to loud is fine. the CD player is a Sony CDP ox 2605 from the 1970's. So I think the output on it is low from what they did at that time. It's not a problem it was just noticeable when i first changed the inputs, I knew the player was playing as the timer was working. So I just went thru the inputs and put the volume up at each one till I heard something. As I posted before I am thinking about the Emotiva EMC-4 I think the latest one. But it is a single play and I like the 200 CDs I have in the Sony, I could listen for hours. Regards Pat O.
Either one or both of two things going on. If the tuner level is higher then it will always be like that, unless your CDP has variable output and you are able to turn it up to where they match. Or it could be FM is compressed so much this has the same effect, of making FM output higher. More than likely there is a little of both going on.