Vivid Audio Speakers

Is anyone listening to Vivid Speakers, either Kaya or Giya models. Does their sound quality merit their unusual appearance? What do you like or dislike about them? Any feedback is appreciated.

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I've heard the big Giya speakers at shows, listened to the Oval speakers at a dealer, and listened several times to the Kaya at a friend's place.

They are indeed "vivid."  Super transparent, detailed and sky high airy high end.   Everything sounds "right there."

However, to my ears, I found it more of a "hi-fi" vs "natural" sound.For instance, even well recorded voices tended to sound unnaturally vivid/brightened/sibilant/electronic.   I remember in particular a Joni Mitchel track, and the Kaya produced a super clear sonic image of her voice, except it just didn't actually sound very human.   More like a super vivid electronic hologram.

The same track at home (on my Thiel 2.7 speakers/conrad johnson tube amps) sounded significantly more fleshed out, relaxed and more like a real human voice.

I don't mean they can't sound fantastic.

I remember being attracted in to a room at an AV show due to the amazingly "live" sound of a horn-based band track playing in the find the vivid speakers playing.

I've also heard tracks like Genesis' Squonk sound astounding on the big Giyas - killer bass impact,  sonic detail, and imaging for miles.  I get why people like them, and they can no doubt sound convincing on the right material, or in the right set up.