Vivid Audio alternatives

I love the sound of Vivid Audio's Giya and Kaya speakers.
BUT their aesthetics is failing the WAF test...  

Can anyone recommend other speakers that have a similar sound? 


Showing 3 responses by supermerio

I used to have a pair of vivid giya g3, sold it and now 
have a wilson sasha 2. At first i thought it was a lateral
move, but it turns out wilson is a much better speakers
all around.
sasha 2 is faster. Have a blacker background, a bass that’s
more textured, a sweeter highs and the adjustable tweeter
and mids of the wilson is a godsend.

i have owned 3 pairs of vivid speakers. Ist was vivid v1.5 then
upgraded to giya g3 before going back to vivid v1.5 again.

vivid is A world class speakers and you’re correct when you
say that they dissapear like no other—its just music you hear
and no speakers. The problem for me though is i find them
to “monotonic” in terms of it’s portrayal of instrument timbre,
its just too “bleach” for my liking; a good example is drums
of different kinds all sounds the same. I think the culprit here
is their use of aluminum materials in all its drivers.

another problem i have with vivid speakers is the fact that
they have no cabinet diffraction but do have a very strong
cabinet colloration due to viibrations, this may sbe confusing;
what i mean is i hear a certain amount of warmt or hazziness
in the mids that i attribute to the cabinet not being that innert.