Visiting audio stores?

This is probably the last concern on many people's minds, so I'm raising this just in case anyone feels like relaying their experience.

I've become pretty cautious about where I go and why. So, for me, I'm not going to any audio stores to listen to gear, out of caution about the virus. I do feel concern for these stores and how it will impact them. Are folks going? Anyone running an audio store who wants to comment? How are you coping? Are you changing any policies or running any more sales online? Changes in trial periods to help more people try out gear remotely?

Again, this is a minor concern given the larger dimensions of this virus situation, but I thought I'd reach out with a question.
Gpgr4blu-get your facts right. Trump halted travel to China months ago and the left crucified him. Then he stopped travel to Europe and got crucified from the left. A leftist like Biden or Bernie would have never stopped travel nor closed the borders like Italy didn’t do and we would have been 100 times worse.
Trump can only do so much, he can’t snap his fingers and have a vaccine nor can he provide 100,000’s of test kits. WHO and China have much to blame more so than Trump
@tyray I am also curious about MHDT. Some interesting posts on this thread with an OP I started:

I am going to unfollow this thread because while I have many strong feelings and views about politics and this situation, I need something apolitical from Audiogon. My appreciation to those who weighed in on the question, and I'll now stop following this post.
Not to be scary, but we are already becoming saturated here at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor - we will overwhelm ICU bed capacity by next week. My son has COVID-19 as do many of his colleagues in engineering. Please shelter at home.
My wife is the Chief Nursing Officer for a major hospital in a metropolitan area. She’s working her ass-off right now, while I stay home, play with the dogs and become a “full-time” audiophile. Works for me....
While travel bans may mitigate the situation temporarily they cannot stop the inevitable, their sole purpose is to improve the optics.