Vinyl Collection Cataloging ?

Hello Folks

What software can you all recommend for cataloging my over 6K albums?, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance

128x128pbnaudio, of corse you would have to do the data entry manually. If you have cd's the data entry can be retrieved from internet when the rom scans the cd. Multiple databases can be created also.
I use Filemaker Pro, and put together a set of custom fields. Pretty easy to do.
Collectorez is what I've been using. I used it for both vinyl and CD's. I also use it with cassettes and some R2R media I have. With cd's and cassettes it has a bar code reader which helps fetch information from the web, most of the time. This is the only software that has that feature. Also, since many vinyl issues were also issued on cd, you can use it for that also but you will need to some additional coding to avoid duplicate flags. I have close to 25,000 pieces of music media, only about 6,000 are now cataloged. I doubt I will complete the old stuff. I have for the past four years put any new items I buy in the catalog.