Vintage Yugoslavian made 12ax7 tubes for ARC


Does anybody have any knowledge of these tubes that were made for Audio Research. I have information from the seller's web site but would like any first hand information such as the type of sound; warm, clear tone, etc. I plan on using them in my ARC SP16

Thank you,


Showing 1 response by hifiharv

It has been said that those tubes were made on the retired Telefunken machinery. Of course there is alot more to a good tube than what equipment poops it out. To me, they do resemble the ribbed plate Telefunkens in sound but aren't as good overall. Not a rich or warm 12ax7, but very good in the right application like phono preamps - a total absence of bloat and smearing of the signal. Very fast, detailed and transparent. A great value when they were current products, not sure what they go for these days. Remember though, a good Tele can cost close to $100.00 now.