vintage versus modern speakers

Since I have had so many excellent insights and answers to my question, here is the second chapter of my "free" education: are great vintage speakers (Infiniti, JBL,Sansui, Sony, etc..) from the seventies better sounding than what is available now? the X factor in that equation is the cost, since my speaker budget is only 1500$ for two speakers.

Ladies and Gentlemen, your advice will be read and taken into consideration.
Thank you.

Showing 3 responses by onhwy61

At your price point most of the newer and better audiophile oriented loudspeakers won't play that loudly, nor will they have that much bass. They also won't match very well with your amp. A double Advent system with refurbished drivers and crossovers can be had for $500-600 and can do things that the audiophile loudspeakers can't.
Technology has definitely advanced, but it doesn't mean that the end product is truly better or more effective. The B-52 Stratofortress has been in military service for 60 years and the Air Force has plans to extend its use to 2040. It's been extensively reworked since its introduction, but apparently it still works well enough to get the job done. The B-52's cost $70 million per plane while its "replacement", the B-2, costs $900 million. If the latest high tech loudspeakers are the equivalent of the B-2, then what vintage loudspeaker is a stand-in for the B-52?