Vintage tube sound from a modern amp

I am just collecting names of makes and models of tube amps that harken back to the older classic tube sound but have modern chassis, connectors etc. Any such amps you guys enjoy?

So far names that have come up are Cary SLI series, CJ Art and classic 62/120.

Many tube companies are pushing more and more to a neutral and fast airy (thinner) sound. So its becoming increasingly difficult to find gear with that classic sound the exemplifies the beauty of music.


Showing 1 response by jonwolfpell

The first & certainly one of the all time greats in this category you’re defining is the McIntosh MC 275! “New  & improved”  version sounds Excellent, solid build quality & a timeless design. To me, in its power range of about 90 real watts/ channel ( as confirmed by John Atkinson) , it sounds more like real music than most other amps I’ve heard. Can be used bridged in mono for more power & they just came out with a higher powered version too.