Vincent SV-236MK

Just recently, I decided to upgrade my current Integrated amplifier which is a Vincent SV-236MK Tube Hybrid Integrated Amplifier purchased in 2009 for $1995.00 with a Luxman L-550AX which was $4990.00. Surprisingly, the Vincent SV-236MK sounded much better than the Luxman. I even purchased the top of the line Marantz integrated amplifier PM-11S3 and the Vincent SV-236MK sounded much better than the Marantz. The Vincent SV-236MK sounds warm,detailed and musical and has plenty of bass. The Luxman had no bass. I would like to purchase an integrated amplifier which sounds better than my Vincent SV-236MK but I haven't found one. Any suggestions? I have Bowers & Wilkins PM1s, Vincent SV-236MK, Marantz Reference Series NA-11S1 Network Audio Player and an OPPO BDP-105 Blu-ray Disc Player.
I know a guy that tried several amps...tubes and ss and still came back to the Vincent.

If I where you I would upgrade to the Vincent SV-237. Its a new design under the hood...made by a top designer....and made totally in Germany! YOU should read this review....its 7 pages.

Or you can also try the other Vincent Integrated amp....the SV-700.

 Vincent makes top products....but not to many in the states will give them a chance.

Hey Will,

Great post!  I've had similar experiences with my Vincent SV-236MK - I just keep going back to it.  I went to the McIntosh MAC6700 ($6500) and while it was beautiful and packed full of features, I still preferred the SOUND of the Vincent.  I have to be careful that that doesn't sound like I didn't think the McIntosh was good - it was great.  I simply liked the sound of the Vincent better.

I've also owned:  BMC C1 ($8K), Esoteric AI-10 ($5K), Pathos ClassicOne MKIII, Teac AI-3000, NuPrime IDA-16, Peachtree 220, Cayin H80A, Cambridge 840A.

Of that bunch, the BMC C1 and Cayin H80A stood out to me.  But something about the Vincent keeps me coming back time and time again.  I now have the Vincent SV-237 anchoring my system.

I'm not going to say the Vincent can't be beat, but I've personally found it to be one that I'm finally happy enough knowing that I tried to beat it.  For me, that is half the battle mentally - what if "that integrated" sounds better.  I've tried that enough to be content with the Vincent.

If I do end up going for a change again, it'll be with Vincent separates since they've decided not to import the SV-700 here in the US.  So I'd do the SA-T7 preamp and SP331MK amp (or a pair of SP T700's).  But for now, I'm going to stick with the SV-237 :D
The Vincent 236 is also gigantic…seriously, and I'd be very surprised if the 237 isn't still a German design made in China. If it was German made it would cost about 3 times as much (am I wrong?).
No surprise the Vincents beating out much higher priced competition. I have the the SA-T8 among my many Pre-Amps. It easily bests some highly regarded Pre's many times it's costs. The biggest "giantkiller" Pre i've ever heard. Just two days ago I had my music mate over, we A/B'd against the "revered" Doge8, which many claim the best pre under 5K. My music mate's jaw dropped. His word's " The Vincent makes the Doge sound pale and anaemic" "If the Doge is the best Pre under 5k, the Vincent must be the best Pre up to 20k." Yes it is that superior.

I also have the big Vincent SP-998 Mono Blocks, you would have to spend at least 2 to 3 times to come close. Absolutely sublime.

While their mid range equipment is good bang for buck, their top of the range equipment is the most outstanding value for money equipment I've ever heard.