Vibration - What are the Main Sources?

A current thread discussing the best tweaks gave consistently high ranking for component isolation. I am curious to know where all the vibration is coming from that we are addressing with isolation. I understand that high volume listening can create significant vibration, but for the sake of this discussion let's assume we are listening at moderate levels. Can the vibrations from moderate sound levels affect the quality of sound? Are there other common significant sources of vibration that we are guarding against that can dramatically affect sound?

Showing 1 response by 4krowme

  Vibration haters relent. ALL vibration can't be bad can it? I do not like train causing vibration when it comes through town twice a day. Rumbling ground and squeaking wheels and that damned horn! Yes,  that is certainly bad vibration contributing to absolute distraction. Conversely, am I attending to what might be a microscopic demon shaking at my TT's cantilever? Certainly not a train, but undesirable non the less. So then, let's pick our battles here. IF a small vibration passing through a capacitor can be heard by me, then it is a problem. If not then I should pick my battles more wisely. 
 One vibration of some sort or another can be a pest or even deal breaker for listening. Several vibrations combined or not, pulling at the threads of notes themselves lift me from the listening chair displeased and uninterested. Chasing them down is a lottery ticket at best unless you have some insight, no not likely from salesmen or tweakers, but from acquiring usable knowledge of your particular situation and verifiable progress.