Vibration isolation or absorption?

You see those pointy things at the bottom of a speaker that are very very sharp.  Arguably a weapon in the wrong hands.  And then you see those same pointy things inserted into a disk.

So the pointy things, aka ‘spikes’ , can Channel vibration elsewhere and away from the components and speakers, or they can isolate it.

Seems channeling vibration away from a component/ speaker, which I guess is absorption, is preferable.

Is this true? And why do they keep saying isolation.



Showing 1 response by erik_squires

In all of audio, nothing, and I mean nothing, is easier to test than the effect of vibration on a piece of solid state gear, and yet ... we have zero in terms of verified results.

It’s not hard, vendors. Put a subwoofer next to your preamp and see if it makes a difference.

Of course, tubes are another thing but even those could be measured.

I’m not saying microphonics don’t exist, I’ve definitely heard it. I had a Radio Shack phono preamp that would ring like a bell when struck, probably due to the ceramic caps in the signal path, but today? Meh.

Wake me up when there’s an iota of measured relationship between vibration and output on any piece of modern solid state gear.  Then when you've actually measured that then you can tell me what sound isolation works best.