Verities of Time

...and the implications for music if conflicts of altitude are present. Would the PRAT of a composition or recording of the highlands be at odds with the ears of a flatlander? Should music now be considered "directional" (up and down) too??

Time passes more slowly when you're with your relatives.

A slow death "on the plains".  What's interesting is that physical location on earth is part and parcel of the experiential running of our clocks. So, when listening to a live broadcast or recording of a musical performance, we now have the complex riddle that aesthetic choices of the artists are inextricably bound-up in how time "runs" at that locality. But some places always seem to run on "local time"...

Ah yes.  Einstein's Theory of Relativity.  Time passes more slowly when you're with your relatives.  Sad but true. 
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