Verdier' s motor Upgrade


It is possible to replace the motor of the Verdier by another for 2000 Dollars ( GT audio In UK) wich seems to increase the performances of it .

What do you think of it ?

It is also possible to get a PSU battery ( 2000 dollars also) for the classical VERDIER 's motor unit ,

What is the best way to do in your opinion to obtain the most important increasing :

Changing the motor unit first or keeping the Verdier's motor and take the PSU battery supply


Hi Charlie

The Steinway is the best tonearm of the world ...

Happy new year

I have the standard carbon Model 2 which I bought about three years ago. I'm very pleased; I would love to buy a Reference, but I have other things to pay for ie my wife's Steinway!!

Buy the battery PSU first. I have Platine Verdier and bought the GT Audio Battery PSU (Type 1) to use with the standard motor. This has transformed the PV and lowered the noise floor to silence. If you buy the better PSU, you also need to buy the special GTA motor housing. I would save the money towards something else eg a Schroeder if you haven't got one!!

Nope, have not upgraded. Don't see any reason to do so. Now, if and when the PV motor unit fails, I'll certainly think about a different replacement.
Hi Bigbucks5

Have you upgraded too a TW DC motor? If so, are they as good as they say? I am pondering an upgrade myself.

You can also buy a TW Accustic (German) DC motor and controller for the Verdier. In the USA, it is about $2500. In Europe, I don't know.
I have already changed the motor to a very high quality one (but this is very fiddly in view of differring screw positions and requires some alteration of the support structure for the motor. The motor is the same one as the top of the range teres the maxon RE, and costs about $2oo. The torque and smoothness and reduced vibration is far superior to the premotec by physically holding them in your hand whilst connected to a supply voltage. i have also completely upgraded the entire caps and resistors and diodes to a higher level. Adding the battery is very simple just put a second connector onto the back of the unit and add it onto the + and - of the power supply at the level of the filtering caps use thre appropriate voltage battery then. How does it sound - seriously no Joke completed all of this then had to put it into storage becasue of a temporary house move to a small place whilst my home is being rebuilt. Never had the chance to fully assess the differences and will not be able to do so until next summer. Sorry. Working on Lencos and an old Garrard at the moment.