verdier Platine or Nottingham Analogue hyperspace

I intended to upgrade my current TT Thorens 850
Those TT have two different sound ,but i like both.
I would like to read your opnion about those TT and comperson bettween them
(for Jazz and classical music)

The standard option 1 GT Audio battery PSU links to the standard black motor unit. If you go for the fancy option 2 battery supply, you will need to add the GT Audio Motor Housing as well. I have the option 1, which is very good. It just removes the noise floor and the quiet passages are inky black and silent.

For the time being use the SME V and the 501. When you do buy a Schroeder, just use the second arm board and sell the arm that you don't like. The best value Schroeder is the Model 2 carbon, which I use with my Allaerts MC1B (again best value Allaerts model).

Hope this helps and have a Happy Christmas!

Thanks for the Teres 320/Verdier comparison. I have always wondered about the relative value of the two decks. It does seem that a Verdier is not a great value compared to a Teres 320. Oh well!
In the end, I believe the mag platter/bearing is a smart solution, short of a pressurized/expensive system like the Rockport, Walker, or Verdier's Magnum. It is clearly maintanence free with no valve or tubing to worrying about. And that is why I like it, not to mention that it can really make beautiful music.

I will keep your upgarde suggestions in mind. Thanks.

And a Happy holiday to you all!

You can do the Platine Verdier motor DC conversion yourself. It costs less than $200 and easy to do yourself. I can provide the circuit on how to do it.
Hi @buyersum , I know this is an old thread, and I hope this finds you. I wondered if you could provide the circuit to the DC conversion on the PV stock motor?

These days you might not want to convert to DC. You might instead want to add an AC motor controller a la Phoenix Engineering, now SOTA Eclipse. In 2007, similar products were not available.