Vandersteen 3a Signatures compared to Treo’s

I currently have a pair of Vandersteen 3a Signatures ( upgraded last summer) which I love and am thinking of a pair of Treo CT’s. I have heard the Treo’s and was impressed but that was in a showroom so I’m looking for opinions if any of you have done the switch? Other equipment is Benchmark amp, Benchmark DAC3, Audiolab 6000cdt.
thanks for the input

Showing 2 responses by douglas_schroeder

The great story regarding this friend is that he is making up for lost time. He had a truly junk bottom scraping ( he would concur) cheap stereo for about 40 years as he worked in tech sector in CA. Retired, left the insanity and took a bit of bankroll to in one move put together a dream system.  Good on him. 
I know a guy who just went from the 5's to the Kento, very pleased. 

The 3's will be soft, mushy compared to the newer models. Ok, don't like the word "mushy", try "chewy".  ;)

Done anything with cables? If not, you need to, at least if you're serious.