Vandersteen 2c vs Thiel CS2

About the same price but which one is a better deal? What are the cons and pros of each? Currently have an Aragon amp with an emotiva preamp with Von Schweikert VR-1 speakers. Also an mk sub. What should I buy or just keep my current bookshelf ones?
Still better than no stands and just spikes I’m sure. I wish I would have kept my pair which had the beige socks which I preferred. One of those decisions I regret looking back as I sold them around 2009 and I gave them away.  These are the stands I had. The factory ones are two separate legs that run front to back along the outside of the cabinet I recall?
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Those are the older stands but quite good with the Hilti carpet spikes. Lots of changes and upgrades since that circa Model 2c.... but they dna and bones are all there :-) iF you want to change sock colors, others are available- have fun, enjoy
@tomic601 can I buy new socks from vandersteen directly or do I have to roam eBay for them?