
How much better is the 3A Signature from the standard 2CE?  

Showing 1 response by douglas_schroeder

In this particular instance you would be wasting your money to allocate it toward electronics when for $2K you could move from the 2CE to the 3A. That from a former 2CE owner. If I were in your position and could afford the 3A I wouldn't dream of opting for the 2CE. 

Very few manufacturers in the industry give you more for your dollar than Vandersteen. When setting up a rig that will be around for a while it's penny wise and pound foolish to opt for the lesser speaker, especially when Vandersteen gives so much for the price. 

It would take a significant investment in fine gear and cables, maybe on the order of an additional $5-10K in components, and perhaps even more, to have a 2CE outplay a 3A. I'll keep the ball rolling; YMMV