Vandersteen 1C to 3A Signature

I currently own the 1Cs, paired with a Naim Nait 5i. I like the sound, have had these speakers for the better part of 15 years and I still love their presentation, the openness and sense of space they provide. They are fabulous to my ears.

Which isn’t to say they are perfect, they don’t like being played too loud (seem fragile, break up at higher volumes), and the bass isn’t as deep or (more importantly) as defined as it could be. Also I sometimes hear some lack of refinement in the tweeter (although at other times it sounds positively glorious, especially with horns and flutes).  So after refinishing the basement and adding a big TV with prewired surround sound I found a used Vandersteen center speaker, so I’m thinking of moving the 1C to the basement and getting a different (hopefully better) speaker for upstairs. I did a bit of research and it appears Spendor is supposed to be a good match for Naim, so I was able to borrow a pair of S8E to try out. You can tell the speaker can handle much more power and can play cleanly at those high levels, and the sound is nicely balanced throughout the frequency range, but they sound like boxes. The Vandy’s don’t. I think I’ve written off Spendor, Proac, Totem and the like, as the design looks similar.

I should probably stick with Vandersteen or similar sounding speakers. I have an opportunity to buy some 3A Signatures, but am afraid I will lose the lithe nature of the 1’s which I like, so I’m looking for opinions on this, and maybe for suggestions of other models that would sort of fit into the sound I’ve tried to describe. Thanks

Showing 3 responses by bondmanp

@patrickdowns...I have read those reviews. The placement requirements for Larsens are a deal breaker for me, and others, who can't provide the wall space.  But if you have a place for them, certainly worth an audition, IMHO.
I would suggest something, um, outside the box.  10 years ago, I decided to replace my 1Cs.  The 2Ces were a little too large, physically, for my room.  I ended up with a pair of Ohm Walsh 2000s, and 10 years later, I haven't regretted it for a minute.  Based on your room size, you might require the Walsh 3000 or 4000.  The drivers sit proud of the cabinet, no boxy sound here.  Quite capable in the bass, and you can crank them without any congestion or loss in sound quality.  They come with a 120 day return option, but you will the lose the shipping round trip if you return them.
@gdnrbob and o.p....
That's exactly what I did in my quest to improve my 1Cs, along with upgrading most of my electronics. It helped to add one, then a second 2Wq, then a pair of MHP-5 crossovers.  But after all of that I felt I had taken the 1Cs as far as they could go, and I still wasn't happy.  That's when I began the search for new speakers, ending up with the Ohms.  For the price, the 1C is a great, if compromised, loudspeaker.  But it isn't an MBL Radialstrahler, not even a poor man's Radialstrahler.  It sounds to me like the o.p. is ready for a real loudspeaker upgrade.