Valuating amp cost

There are portals post cost real costing of apple products based on components and other costs.Likewise has anyone done costing of any audio systems and based on components & labour cost.can exorbitant price & SI rating can be justified not just brand hype & popularity. 
What do you mean "brand hype"? Seems to me your way of saying there aren't actual differences in sound quality people can hear and appreciate for themselves. My system includes components from Teres Audio, Melody, Townshend Audio, and Perfect Path Solutions. Have you ever even heard of these? Where is the hype? If you never even heard of them (and I bet you haven't heard of any of them, not a one) then where is the popularity factor? 

Not to say there aren't people who are influenced by advertising and peer pressure. Just as there are people who are influenced by other nonsense like measurements, specifications, and "portals post cost real costing" whatever that is. Its just a truly awful way of building a system. Pick any Stereophile from the last 20 years, start throwing darts, you would do better.