VAC Signature MK2a pre "phono tube questions"

Hi there I have a VAC pre with MC/MM, upon opening noticed there are two roles of 3 12AX7 tubes in each totaling 6.


1. Anyone have any experience tube rolling these and if so with what?

2. Are they three matched pairs or all matched?

3. They are a Chinese tube that came standard with the pre., anything special about them?
I have found on other gear which came with Chinese 12AX7 tubes they were nothing special and by substituting I found the sound was transformed, sounding allot better using other tubes.

4. Can you mix and match, say the first role Bugle Boys, second Tel for examaple or best to stay with one brand through out.

I have allot of really nice matched pairs but only that.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Showing 4 responses by inna

Yes, they might. When I am ready to order my LAMMs I will get in touch with Vladimir and discuss with him exactly that along with some other things. Or even if I get a used one. I may still have to try couple of sets but not dozens of them. And I would have no intention to roll tubes back and forth depending on particular recording though it might actually make sense. Unless perhaps if I decide to make compilations using something like Studer 810 deck. Now that would really be audiophile fun.
Sorry about going sideline a little, but why would such an excellent company as VAC use "nothing special" tubes instead of the best new not NOS there is? This doesn't inspire my confidence in any way. I would want them to find overall best tubes for me instead of me chasing this all over the world. And again I am not talking about NOS. Or maybe I am wrong and they did put the best current production tubes, that just happen to be nothing but average. Do others like LAMM, VTL, Atmasphere, ARC do the same?
Right. But you know I might just invite Vladimir over for coffee. Anyway, I think many here with LAMM either use what he supplies or some particular military or medical grade Amperex. And with VAC I don't know.