VAC Preamplifiers

I am very interested in VAC preamplifiers to replace my GamuT D3i. I am wondering how much better the upper tier VAC preamplifiers are than the VAC Renaissance mkV with phono. Perhaps VAC owners can assist me....topology appears near identical throughout the line, so it must relate to parts quality and power supplies. Thank you!

As REN V owner I also would like to say that its indeed an unbelievable pre. 

But alot of people asking/fiving opinions online regarding preamp online don't seems to understand that its also about component matching. 

I have several pair of speakers at home, one I'm currently using is Klipsch Forte IV. Being horn system there is no need tp question the speed/PRAT of it, so upstream I can use something alittle toward warming side. Not slow (don't know what some people meant VAC is slow), juat a rag warm.

Now if I'm running some 83db giants 5-ways dynamic speakers, I'd prob need something else (SS or ARC ref) to make it toward neutral. 

Also, people do not understand the difference between a transformer coupled preamp (like VAC) vs capacitors coupled preamp (ARC). Diff pros and con. I myself would do transformer-coupled all day everyday. 

Congratulations. I have the Renaissance V with phono driving my Ayre VX5/20 with very pleasing results. I started many years ago with the VAC Standard LE preamp, then the Renaissance 3 and now the V. All were excellent in their price range and my experience with VAC factory support when needed has always been a step above my expectations. If you reach out to Kevin Hayes he will personally welcome you to the family...
Yes; I purchased a VAC Renaissance mkV with phono. It is wonderful driving my GamuT D200i, adding a more natural tonality to the midrange than my D3i. It loses nothing in speed or accuracy to the D3i and has a great MM/MC phono stage. The D3i is a fine preamplifier which I’ll keep as a worthy backup. Thanks to all respondents!
Normie - just wondering if you had decided on a preamp. Also curious as to why you are replacing your D3i. Just looking to go to tubes or is there something with the D3i that you are not satisfied with?
Are you committed to VAC preamps? I would give a listen to the VTL 6.5 ii. Then go find the phono pre you really want. Just my 2¢.
@joecasey   Thanks for sharing that link.  I completely identify with the reviewer as I too have a thing for combining tube preamps with SS Class A amplifiers.  Combining a VAC Ren MKV with a Pass XA30.8 makes for wonderful synergy in my home.  I agree with's not too much of a good thing ;-)
Thank you mulveling!  A very informative and helpful assessment. I aspire to own a Master but the steep price difference between the Ren V and Master will keep me at the very capable 
Ren V.  I’ll give a look at ARC as well.
I’ve tried both the Ren V and Master in my system. Sure, the Master is better - no argument there - it fixes the V’s various minor deficiencies in bass and dynamics, etc. But personally I found it hard to quantify the cumulative effect as night-and-day better, and for a pretty steep price increase - from 10K to 28K (no phono options). That’s money which could be similarly put into a standalone Renaissance SE phono, or towards some Signature 200 iQ monos - I own both of these, they’re absolutely fantastic IMO, and they were both game-changers in my system. FYI all 4 (Renaissance standalone phono, Renaissance V pre, 200 iQ monos, Master - in that order) started as no-risk auditions in my system, and the Ren phono and 200iQ monos were the 2 of the 4 trials that became immediate "must buy"’s.

Superficially, you’re also right - the Master seems to have just the very expensive custom motorized RK50 volume pot (standard motorized RK27 in the V) and beautiful casework as its main differentiators - maybe also adding some more PSU horsepower, and better resistors / cap parts.

Also, I really really like the ARC Ref 6 preamp if you don’t mind some deviation from the VAC sound. The Ren V has those oh-so-sweet VAC mids over the ARC, but other than that the Ref 6 is just stupid good from top to bottom.

Anyways, as always YMMV. But I agree with everyone else in that VAC is a GREAT company that makes phenomenal gear, and you can't go wrong with any of their current offerings! I highly recommend becoming a VAC owner ASAP!
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It may not be top tier, but I've owned a VAC LS 15
pre amp since 1994.  It has had one cap upgrade plus a good cleaning and it's still going strong!
ebm6,279 postsEnjoy you can not go wrong with VAC great sound from a great company.
JUMP at it!  Call Kevin ASAP, DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you ebm!  I know VAC is a great company.
Knowing how expensive VAC Statement products are, I just wanted to know how far up the preamplifier line was necessary for statement-like sound👍  
Thanks for the perspective @suncoast_audio .  Now I have an upgrade to strive for somewhere down the road.
We are big VAC dealers and local to the factory, so we get a chance to play with all the great VAC preamps.  IMO, the Master is the one to strive for.  It’s close in performance to the Statement, at 1/3 the price.   When upgrading customers from the REN MkV, we let them demo a couple and all have selected the Master.  
Any VAC owners fortunate enough to move from Renaissance mkV to Sig IIa SE or Master Preamplifier? Would really appreciate your opinions.....thank you and stay well!
Thanks for your informative response three_easy_payments! I also read a review of the VAC Master which compared the Sig IIa SE with the Master. Although the Master proved superior, it was not striking according to the reviewer. So, it certainly appears that the Renaissance mkV is the best bang for the buck. 
I run a VAC Ren MKV line stage (w/o phono) and believe it's by far the best value in the VAC line of preamps.  It does indeed borrow much of it's design from the Statement series.  I didn't compare head to head against the Statement but the sonic differences were almost indiscernible to me between the MKV and the Sig MKIIA (SE).  I was able to pick mine up used (less than 1 year old) and I can't imagine parting with it.  I run mine with a pair of late 60s 6922 NOS Mullards.
Thanks Jab!  I now recall a video from CES 2017 where Mr Hayes claimed that the, then new, Renaissance mkV was approximately 90% the sonics of his Statement preamplifiers at 20% of the price....very good trickle down effect...still a major $14,000 purchase for the entry level Renaissance mkV.
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