V-Cap ODAM Capacitor Upgrade in VTL 2.5i Pre?

I recently purchased a VTL 2.5i Preamp that I am considering upgrading with V-Cap ODAM caps. I really like the VTL sound, but am wondering if I can maximize it further. Has anyone upgraded their VTL with higher end caps or ODAMs specifically?

Of course, like many audiophile I sometimes sell gear to try something new. Does anyone have experience upgrading components like caps and then reselling gear? If so, would you expect this to impact resale significantly?



Showing 2 responses by silver78

Thanks for the feedback! is reassuring to hear. 

I often find myself in a struggle between trying to develop the maximum soundstage and micro-details VS maintaining richness in tone and life in the music. Too much of one and you seem to lose the other. I have heard the ODAMs are good at striking some balance there. 

@johnss thanks for your throughs! Are you thinking copper foil would be better because it tends to have a warmer sound?