We recently purchased an XSX. Hadn't had a gaming system since I was kid - NES and then Super Nintendo. Truthfully, hadn't purchased a gaming system since I was afraid I'd become a chronic pot smoker and eventually stop going to work at the age of 41; presumption on my part was that I'd eventually be diagnosed with Internet Gaming Disorder per DSM V. Fortunately, only half of that has come true.
If anything, playing a game on the XSX has become an alternative activity that my wife and I do when there's nothing to watch or do later in the evening. We've had more laughs playing the XSX than watching HBO, which is refreshing and new. I've also found that I've become more appreciative of the 5.2 system in the living room since it feels like the XSX takes advantage of the rear speakers and subs.
I agree that sound and video quality on Bluray is still much better than streaming, but curious to know how long this will remain the case. I'm pretty certain that XSX can do Dolby Vision. In terms of value, I think the XSX is hard to beat at $500 due to what it provides beyond just Bluray, but unsure the true margins of video and sound quality when compared directly to a $1,000 player. I still use our $250 Sony 4K player that's been rock solid for the past few years.