Used XLR recommendation for under $750

I recently purchased the NAD C 658 to use as a streamer and room correction with Dirac.  I would appreciate forum members input on a used 1.5M XLR cable connecting to my McIntosh 6700.  Speakers are the Revel 228Be.  Ideally, the cables would have good resale if I end up upgrading down the road.  
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Why not get good pro cables now, instead of audiophile boutique cables? You may find (as many do) that they sound just as good -- or better -- at a small fraction of the cost.

I recommend Mogami W2549 cable assembled with Neutrik gold XLRs by a pro audio shop such as ProAudioLA. I have been using such cables for years, and when I compared them to a well-known, and costly, audiophile brand, the Mogami cables were far less colored and no less detailed. Mine are 25 ft long and cost around $120 the pair.

(For context, I’m using an Auralic Aries G1 streamer, Anthem STR preamp, Bryston 4B3 amp, and Janszen electrostatics. It’s a resolving system that has been admired by a professional mastering engineer, among others.)