Used tube preamp $2-3K

Scouting for an above mentioned preamp driving both 2a3 monos, UL/triode monos  and push pull monos. Plus two FW F3, F5 amps. DAC source 75%, CD 25%. Currently using an older Audio Mirror which may be a bottle neck. Current speakers are Coherent GR12 Sigs, Klipsch LS and Jubilee. Remote is a near must, dynamic with speed and detail and transparency. I find a nice CJ 17ls, a Coincident and even a much less expensive Schiit Freya+. The CJ seems highly touted and I like the relay based volume control vs the standard Alps wiper normally found. All insight appreciated, Thanks.


rmdmoore, don sachs builds VTA ph-16 and SP-14 kits from tubeseforhifi. the tube type is already picked out for him. 

Without knowing the amps, no one can make a good recommendation.  You need to look at the electrical properties of the amp and make sure you are getting the voltage, impedance and gain from the preamp that is appropriate for those amps.

when you have mismatched equipment, sounds tends to be thin.  There are some preamps with variable gain which could help as well.