Used phono preamp options - feedback requested

Greetings, all.

Here's my rig:

Thorens TD124 Mk 1 w/Mk II upgrades
Lyra Delos or Paradox Pulse D103R
Handmade Walnut Arm on unipivot bearing
Paradox Pulse Phono 70 preamp (MM/MC)

I'm in the market to find a phono stage up to about $2K to compare and contrast with the Paradox Pulse.

Open to suggestions however, considering these specific phono stages (all used):

Clearaudio Balance Plus
Sutherland 20/20
EAR Phonobox
Sonic Frontiers Phase 1 SE
Musical Fidelity MX-VYNL
Musical Fidelity NuVista
and possibly a Herron VTPH-1 (I can't get the guy to contact me back).

Decware ZP3 and ZMC SUT

I'm interested in tubes primarily, but can be swayed to try another solid state stage w/good (and easy) loading capabilities.  

Please don't bash - I'm looking for real experience with any/all of these, or something in the vein.  I have my priorities in the list, but am truly looking for quality input from the group.

Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by sokogear

Sutherland 20/20 with LPS would exceed $2K. You can get a Sutherland Insight with the upgraded Linear Power Supply for $1750 list. If you can swing the extra $900, the 20/20 has great reviews also.

Ron Sutherland will talk to you himself (very nice guy), and it is the recommended PS of the most respected dealers in my market. It's all Ron makes, so total PS design focus.
BTW - you probably will have a difficult time finding a used one, especially with the Insight LPS. I had to get mine after the fact and installed it myself (with Ron's help).