USB Cables: beginning the rabbit hole

Time to audition USB cables. I have always used the same cable a 2004 beauty that came with my Mac G4 in 2004, so this should be fun.

A few questions from the team here:

1. Best way to audition so that I can return what I don't like? I'm in the U.S.

2. What brands would you suggest. Budget is <$500 for 1m. I will audition 2-3 to start with. Curious Cables is one.

3. Is there break-in required? If so, what method and for how long?

I promise to report back my impressions here.



Save your money, if the cable does not have physical defects, there will be no difference whatsoever in the sound quality.

@livinon2wheels You have no idea what you’re talking about, and if you can’t hear differences between cables then either your system or hearing is deficient. Either way, your input on cables here is useless. What’s your system BTW. Bose?

Post removed 


+1, emphatically so. And that‘s both on nonsense content and inappropriate language

I don’t appreciate being told I dont know what I am talking about. I have likely done more with audio than you have and for quite a bit longer as well. The original poster asked for opinions and I expressed mine. It’s within my rights here as a member to do so, if you don’t like it kindly go whine about it somewhere else.

@livinon2wheels So, I wrote professional reviews of audio equipment for 17 years and have been an audiophile for 40+ years. You have done more than me with audio? Maybe, but I highly doubt it especially given your comments on cables. Plus, your comment flies in the face of not only my but most very experienced people here. Yes, you have your right to your opinion, but this is America and I have the right to refute your opinion as much as you have to express yours. Again, if you can’t hear differences between cables unless there are physical defects, okay. 99% of the very experienced people here would say something very different.