Upgrading to a stand alone DAC

I have the upgrade bug..lol.  I am considering purchasing a stand alone DAC as 60% of my listening is thru my CD player (NAD C568).  This was purchased new 3 years ago for $799.00.  My budget would be $1500.  Rest of system is the Marantz Ruby KI integrated amp and the Reference 3A de capo speakers.  Would I hear a significant difference at this price point?


I will absolutely second the Topping E70 Velvet. If this isn't the most underrated DAC in the sub 1K price range, I don't know what is. Helomech is spot on. Save 1K and grab the E70 V....It also has balanced connections...

@helomech and @kingbr interesting to read your recommendation. I have the Eversolo A6 (regular) and got a Topping D70 Octo Pro. I couldn’t figure out if the sound improved or changed for that matter but I do really like the functionality of the Topping- ability to choose All as output so that one flip between 2 amps (via a Fosi Audio amp switcher) and also that it shows the bit rate. Not sure how you both view the D79OP vs the E70V.

at this current juncture am thinking of getting a tube amp- MHDT Orchid. Any views from anyone on that?



I would follow @ghdprentice’s advice and get a Schiit Yggdrasil+. But you can get a new one, the “GSII” or Garage Special II, for just $1699. This differs only from the regular version because it has a first generation sound card and older USB input, using the original Analog Devices DAC chips of the OG version.

if that sounds like gobblygook, go to the website and resd about it - it’s listed in the “last call” section.

There are ENORMOUS differences in the sound of DACS. Just listen! I have the original Yggdrasil GS, and love it!

Mytek, Liberty II... tons of positive reviews online, has balanced out and for $1500 is pretty much impossible to beat. My local guys have a special where you get a set of $300 HiFiman planar headphones with the DAC. It’s a total no-brainer.
Just my opinion. Get to Google’n



Interesting, observations @helotech... may I ask if you have found qualitative differences in streamers or digitally applied cables?  Thank you ... Doug