Upgrading to a powerful HP amp, unsure about my power gear.

Hi all, in the next few days I'll be getting a very powerful HP amp, the Viva Egoista 845, which generates up to 15 W per channel. Right now my audio gear is powered by some mid-level Pangea cables connected to a Niagara 1200, which is itself connected to a NRG-Z3 cable to the wall. Everything works and sounds fine, but since I'm moving to such a high end amp I'm wondering if I should rethink my power setup. 

First off, should I consider a much higher priced power regenerator? Or is it better to keep the Niagara for all my other gear and then plug in the new amp directly into the wall using a good quality power cable? My place has decently clean energy, and also I'm worried about killing the dynamics of the amp by inserting a power regenerator behind it. 

Also, since this amp generates a lot of heat, I'm planning to put it somewhat further away from my listening station, and powering it on/off via the main switch will be a little more difficult. I've seen that the PS Audio Powerplant units have a remote on/off function. Would I be able to plug the amp in a Powerplant and then turn it on and off using the Powerplant's remote? Or would that damage the amp?

Would love to get some advice on this. Thanks!


Showing 3 responses by johnsmith55

@txenakis hey, I am seriously considering buying the Viva Egoista 845.

Do you mind telling me a little bit about the amp.

i am looking to drive my susvara to its fullest potential, prefer natural flat sound with no color.

thank you

@txenakis Thank you that helps a lot. I was also considering the aic10 or the mass kobo 465. Would you say the aic10 has a natural flat sound or a bit colored? And have you had a chance to hear the mass kobo?
