Upgrading from Receiver to Separates

I'm in the process of researching an upgrade path from a Rotel RSX-1055 to a Pre/Pro & multi-channel amp set-up. I will be moving into a loft at the end of the year, with the listening area about 14' L x 18' w x 13' h.

Currently have B&W 603 (front L/R), B&W LCR 600 (center), ASW675 (sub) and 600s for the rears. I will be replaceing the rear speakers and plan on in-wall for the back for a 7.1 set-up.

Good-quality stereo is very important, although I use my HT set-up for all video sources (HDTV, Digital Cable, Tivo, DVDs) so that gets more use.

I'm not currently into multi-channel audio (DVD-A, SACD), and basically use DTS, DD and Stereo. Obviously with a 7.1 set-up newer formats (Prologic IIx, DTS-ES, as well as manufacturer-designed surround modes) will be important factors; as is analog bypass. I prefer warm clear music, and great imaging and detail in the HT set-up. Component video switching is important, upconversion would be nice but not necessary.

I'm trying to steer clear of my local high-end audio stores since they universally recommend the units they stock and I've been burned before.

So what would you recommend as a good pre/pro and multi channel amp set up? Any advice on good rear in-wall and back L/R would also be appreciated. I'm fine with a pre/pro from one company and amps from another, and am prepared to invest in something that's going to last. I'm budgetting about $10K for everything, including having the place professionaly wired.
Separates always do. But if you want to take this opportunity to break out of the Rotel mold, you might look at Arcam, Primare, Parasound, and I am sure others in the price range that don't come to mind right now. Actually if you want to spend more and get another receiver look at the McIntosh receiver. I have their Pre/Pro and amps and really love the sound. One other note I have listened to Rotel stuff and find it "british dry" and that coupled with B&W speakers may be where you're missing the sound you want look at brigher cables as an option.
Thanks for the response... Actually, I haven't been so happy with the Rotel Receiver when it comes to 2-channel audio. Maybe their preamp/processor + amplifier sounds better.
If you like the Rotel sound why not go with Rotel Pre-Pro amd amp. Otherwise it's a try till you buy.