Upgrades and repairs on hi fi components

I've often run across good quality hi fi components (like Marantz, Audio Research, Conrad J, Luxman, OPPO, etc.) that should be upgraded due to aged and older internal components.

Any recommendations as to who does this type of work?


MSEE, BSCS, Member at ISCET,  Member at Society of Broadcast Engineers

IT Domain Administrator, Web Architect, Client-Server Environment Administrator

Servicing Consumer and Broadcast gear for over 40 years: Audio Research, Accuphase, Bryston, Classe, DBX, Conrad Johnson, McIntosh, Naim, Perreaux, Rotel,  Studer-Revox, Symmetrix, Tandberg, Yamaha.

Factory Authorized Servicer for North America  http://www.perreaux.com/contact

I know this looks like an ad but it isn't. 

He brought my Yamaha M-80 back to life for me. A no B/S experience and fast turn around. He's located in the St. Louis metro area.

If your close to New Orleans area Digital Rehab can work on about anything. They were Wilson audio in New Orleans for 40 years but downsized and moved across the lake to Slidell. They were Audio Research repair center and dealer. I would rather drive tube gear or turntables to be fixed than shipped. He will fix it while you wait for a extra fee if you like.

Another thumbs up for George Meyer in LA. I am able to drive there and have spent quite a bit of time talking vintage Mac gear and required maintenance. Expensive and worth it. Much more expensive to have repairs of repairs..