Upgrade SUT For Denon DL103

Anything available for the DL103 that's a significant upgrade to the A23 which I have and the A23 Homage which I can't afford? Budget max is $2500.


Showing 8 responses by rauliruegas

@dhcod  :  I really sorry for you after read your post but such is life and to each his own.


Go a head in your SUT hunting.



Dear @dhcod  : " we all hear differently and have different tastes in reproduction. "


I agree with your statement but that's not the main issue because it does not matters what we ike that Lebel is a " disaster " for say the least and no matters with which SUT you paired: still a disaster and that's . Problem is not the SUT and you want ( that's what you posted ) " to go step higher ".

Really I don't care what you can do what I'm doing is only to give you an advise. At the end is your money not mine.



Dear @dhcod  :  " Pretty much the same as the A23. I've yet to hear much of a difference... that's why I'm looking to go a step higher. "


Well, I think that could be useless to look for any other SUT because we have to remember that the SUT is connected to a phono stage and IC cables and receives the recording signal after that signal pass through other stages ( in the phono preamp ) where the more critical is the RIAA eq. stage and where the Leben is a true " disaster ". So if you really want to go " a step higher " then you need a better phono stage along the SUT you already own or chage the phono stage unit for one phono stage with active high gain and no SUT.

Take a look how the Leben performs in the RIAA eq and the other issue is its high output impedance:


You can't ask for oranges to that banana tree. No way ! !

Lamm does not helps to much. You need a more solid phono alternative.




Dear @dhcod : My way of thinking is to put money where it really counts and you have 2.5K ready to invest in something that permits enjoy MUSIC at way better quality performance levels.

So, change your cartridge. Here some excellent alternatives and you can’t go wrong with either ( streching a little your budget if need it because always you can negociate with the sellers. ):


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
