Upgrade Proceed PDP & PRE to AVP

I have been using a Proceed PDP since 1991 or so. I think it still does a fantastic job in my system (Proceed CDD/PRE/AMP-2 to B&W 803S). I'm tempted to purchase a Proceed AVP to replace both the PRE and the PDP. Is there anyone here familiar with any of this equipment that could articulate if this would be a substantial upgrade or not? Thank you.
i recently sold my avp s, which i used exclusively for two channel; it was a nice piece but i preferred my more transparent parasound and older hk preamps in my setup. i've never done a direct comparison between the avp s and the pdp/pre, though i've heard the pdp/pre; they seem to share very similar architecture and i'd be surprised if the avp was an significant upgrade. if you're looking at older multichannel processors, i'd also consider B&k ref 50
Thanks for the feedback Srosenberg. I took a look here on agon for used Theta Casablanca and just about died when I saw the price. The I realized this was for the III model. I see that the original Casablanca is priced in the ballpark with the AVP on eBay. Hmmm - more reading to be done. Being the Proceed fan on my gear, I suspect that edgy/bright that you heard may either be to my liking or not so evident.
i have never owned a PDP, so realize that the usefullness of my response may be somewhat limited, but i have owned the proceed avp2 (twice, actually). i found it edgy and bright sounding in my system. in fact, that's how i came to own two of them, as i thought surely after all the hype, something was amiss with the first one i bought. to my disappointment, the second one i bought was no better.

if you want to stick with a pre/pro, i found the meridian 568.2mm and theta casablanca both to be superior to the avp2.

as always, since we all have different gears and different ears, YMMV!