Upgrade platter/sub platter or cartridge on Rega p2?

I have a Rega P2 with an Elys 2 cartridge. I’m wanting to upgrade it and have been looking into a metal sub platter and acrylic platter upgrade. Now I’m wondering if a cartridge upgrade in the same price range would be better. Anyone want to help me out here? Cartridges I have been looking at are exact 2, Nagaoka mp-200.


I know the question may sound similar, but removing the P3 from the equation , what may be the better options.  I’ve already tried the P3.  

It’s been some time since I posted here but the Rega P2 discussion caught my interest.  Now I’ve owned two Rega Planar 3 tables, a long story, and in both cases I found the sound rather “dry”.  It’s the only description that comes to mind, even on a variety of carts.  I attribute the dry sound to the double brace technology touts.  The P2, however, is dynamic and with much better bass response with several carts I’ve tried, finally settling on the Sumiko Moonstone. The RB220 tonearm is the recent upgrade by Rega with the user-adjustable anti-skate.  I’m pretty happy overall but the audiophile bug has returned and has me looking a several upgrade options for my P2. 
In order:

1.  Aluminum sub-platter and Sapphire bearing. 
2.  24V motor upgrade with ability to use the Neo PSU down the road. 
3.  Stainless steel tonearm stub and underslung counterweight

Not sure about an acrylic platter versus the current float glass. 

My first impulse is to go for the motor and PSU upgrade, of course the most expensive.  Or is the sub-platter and bearing an equivalent upgrade?  

Thank in advance, 



With P2 keep in mind the cartridge height. There’s no VTA adjustment on that table.

I had good luck with Hana EL. It seems to fit perfectly. 

I don’t have the funds to upgrade to a better table. Your idea to get the exact 2 and save the Elys 2 should I ever able to move up the rega line is a good one. 

You would be better off getting a better turntable - go up the Rega chain.

So in the meantime buy an Exact and keep the Elys 2 for when you sell the P2 down the road. With the Exact you don't have to worry about arm spacers for VTA.

If you had a P5/Rega Power Supply then it would be worth upgrading the subplatter etc. The Groovetracer mods are very good.

Ideally you would jump to the new generation P6/8.