Upgrade path question. Upgrade analog or turn to digital?

I am running a full analog rig and my beloved cartridge needs service soon (6 months about) so I am wondering if I should sell the analog rig (tt+phono+lps) and rather buy digital source. I am planning to upgrade it later if I am not going digital. 

I am satisfied playing lps, I do it when I can focus on music, but sometimes it`s tempting to have the same quality, just a button away. I can afford either the digital or the analog upgrade and I don`t have the space for both. I am thinking about two scenarios. 

Change the diamond in the Ikeda, rewire the tonearm, change the bearing, add a DS Audio ION-001, max out the VPI Classic 1. It`s sittin on a Shun Mook maple board and heavy sandbox right now, looking for a serious platform north 2000 dollars used or that money goes to the phono upgrade.
Upgrade the phono later, what I save on the digital goes here. I am hoping for a used Aries Cerat, but would be happy with other OTL solutions.

I sell the analog rig and going digital. I was thinking about to buy a streamer north 5K used and either a ESOTERIC D-02X, Aries Cerat Kassandra II, or similar. 

I am planning to upgrade the integrated amp either way, the room treatment almost done.

Or a C version,

Gryphon Diablo 120 with DAC and call it a day.





A decent digital setup really doesn't require much space.  I would keep the current analog set up and add a small streamer that can access the home network and then have the music server connected to the home network somewhere else in the house.  Control the music streamer using an app from your phone or tablet.

Certainly wouldn’t dump your current rig when you haven’t decided if you like using digital audio. Add something budget friendly and fully capable like a Bluesound Node, and start streaming files to get your first experience….see if it’s “your thing”. If not you can sell the Node easily, and go back to fixing your analog rig.

A few suggestions: only buy the latest Node 130 ($599), it has a much better DAC than earlier models, use Ethernet into the Node if you can, use a decent CAT 6,7, or 8 Ethernet cable

I am like you vinyl guy.

Lately i bought Pontus 2 dac and Mercury streamer,  it sound wonderful.

I suggest you to buy the most advantage Denafrips dac with Mercury streamer and that is all.

with a good valve amp and speakers the digital sounds like analog.


To me, the biggest difference between vinyl and digital is repertoire. There are 1000× as many releases available digitally as on LP . . . maybe it's 10,000×. So if you're interested in new music, digital is the way to go. If you want a $300 re-re-re-re-release of something recorded in 1957, stick with LP.

Of course, you'll miss dealing with fragile styli, acoustic feedback, VTA, cleaning machines, media wearing out or warping, hum and noise problems. . . .

It's not that I think LP is inferior as a medium. But you can get an astoundingly good system either way, and much more music in digital.

Get yourself a Bleusound Node and add it to your rig. It takes virtually no space, brings all your music under your fingertip, and you can still play analog when you like.