upgrade path from my current speakers? (Dynaudio Special Forty)


have gone through a rotation in the last couple of years, LS50's, Sonus Faber Lumina V's, Heresys, Fortes, Harbeth 30.2's and Habeth Super 5's

none of these sounded good to me

recently landed on Dynaudio Special Forty, loved them, upgraded to Heritage Special, really liked them also but went back to the Special Forty

this is the sound for me by far, nothing else has come close to pleasing me

I'd like to get to a tower that provides more bass and dynamics maintaining this sound profile

Contour and Confidence are on my short list

what else should I be looking at?




Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

Interesting question. That is a pretty large array of speakers. I think we need to look at the whole picture: all the electronics and venue. It would be really helpful… actually manditory (if we are to help) to see your system, there is a place to put your system, photos and identify your components under your userID. I suspect the problem may not be the speakers… it might.


What did you find lacking with each type?

Sounds like the DynAudio is the place to start. Sounds like you are doing fairly fast semirandom equipment swapping. That makes getting where you want to go nearly impossible. You need to start with a good set of speakers and then upgrade the electronics and room treatments to support them. If we can see the room it would be helpful. 

Definitely a bluesound streamer is a very weak point. But it is important to carefully choose each component to take advantage of your speakers and push the sound quality to your tastes.