My system currently consists of the following:  

1. Martin Logan 11A impression hybrid electrostatic speakers. 

2. Bryston 4B3 cubed power amplifier

3. Rogue Audio RP-1 preamp

4. Lumin U2 mini transport streamer

5. Chord Qutest Dac

Happy with the sound, but on many tracks on Qoboz the sound especially on rock leaves a lot to be desired. This could be the function of the source itself (the recording) is poor. Would a better DAC yield more detail and better sound? My price limit is about $5000.00.  Not looking to buy used. Wish to work with a dealer because I have found them to be incredibly helpful. Also looking for a company that provides phone customer support. There is nothing like a conversation or a discussion to solve an issue. I understand that my view is a minority view out there. As we are in a self-service world.  But I am used to a person picking up the phone and asking how can I help you?  Any thoughts would be sincerely appreciated.  Thank you. 



Sorry if I was not clear in stating the types of music I listen to. Many recordings that I stream sound thin, whether classical, opera, rock, or ballads sung by Sinatra, Diana Krall. etc. For example I streamed Rachmaninovs 2nd Piano concerto using the Qtest DAC and the Lumin U2 mini and the sound was unlistenable. The music itself is as good as it gets.  I was just thinking about getting more detail from my DAC. I like the Chord Qtest Dac, It was a great leap from the DAC I previously listened with. I was just thinking whether I can replace my DAC with the budget that I mentioned and take another leap. Thank you.

I don’t believe the DAC is the problem here..I have NEVER heard or read about any modern Chord product not passing enough detail...I go back to my very first thought..What kind of tubes are in the PreAmp?Modern production Chinese & cheaper Russian tubes are notorious for sounding thin or bright compared to good NOS or the better modern production tubes from Genelex & Mullard...
I also wonder about your cabling?

I may be replacing my preamp with the Bryston BP-19. Not planning to replace the stock tubes in the Rogue Audio RP-1.  Never said that the Chord Qtest is a problem. I believe that better sound quality can be achieved with a higher quality Dac. So far the Aero Dac has been mentioned. Was looking for advice from fellow music lovers as to their experience with Dacs.  Many members of this site has listened to numerous DACS. As far as cables go I use Cardas Cygnus all around from speaker cables to interconnects.

I suggest you go a different route, along with freediver`s suggestion.

Replace your preamp with the Rogue RH-5 headphone/preamp. Go the headphone route. The Rogue does this, while maintaining the tube pre part, on your main system.

I have found that many old rock recordings sound better over a headphone system.

Then, replace the stock tubes in the Rogue. I think they`re JJ`s. Get the reissues of Tung-Sols or Gold Lions. Then, eventually, do old stock tubes to your liking.