Upgrade Opinions, Thorens vs VPI

I'm looking to possibly upgrade to a better turntable.

My current setup is a Thorens TD166 MKII with the original tp11 tonearm. The table has a few mods including a solid cherry plinth and birch bottom with sorbothane feet. It also came with the 10mm spindle bearing, same one used on the TD160.

Amp: Rogue audio Sphinx 
Preamp: MM preamp built into the Sphinx
Cartidge: Shure M97xe with SAS stylus
Speakers: Monitor Audio Silver 8

The components listed above are my recent upgrades. I now think my table is due for an upgrade. 

I am considering installing a Jelco SA750D tonearm on my Thorens, since the tonearm is likely the weakest performing part of the table, or going with a completely new table.

I am considering the following tables:

Rega Planar 3 (possibly not a big leap?)

Rega RP8

VPI Classic 1 

Acoustic Signature Wow XL with Rega arm.

I am leaning toward the VPI, partly because I really like its look, but I do want the best sounding table under $3000 (subjective I know). Overall, I'm pleased with the current sound from my Thorens, so maybe the best bang for my buck would be a new tonearm. Some members have claimed that a Debut Carbon will blow the doors of a TD166, but in my personal experience, it's the opposite. So I'm thinking I'd probably need to spend over 1K for a real sonic upgrade over my Thorens.

Anyone have experience with VPI tables versus Thorens TD16X series? Any advice is welcome.

Showing 15 responses by raymonda

All thorens require 33.5 to run at the correct speed using the cruise control. 

BTW, upgrading the arm on your 166 will make a substantial improvement in its sound. The Jelco is an excellent choice. I went that path and completed modded out a 166. The 166 matched the level of performance of my WTRP, which I then sold.

Since then I have modded a TD 850 and a TD 150. Both completely pushed to the max. I can easily say that both would give any table a run for their money.

That being said.......if I wasn't  into modding things and creating jems of my own liking I would go with The VPI Classic.  I've played with a Rega 3, and while it has potential it is not realized in its stock form.
The Classic is, on the other hand, a nearly complete product that really only needs speed stabilization to get you to the end. 

Also, since a smart shopper can pick one up used at a very good price, it is a no-brain move.

I can't see how you would be disappointed with the Classic. But, as advised elsewhere, buy the best phono-stage and cartridge you can afford. Spend first on the phono-stage since there are a lot of great affordable options in cartridges.
Yes, I was referring to the Well Tempered Record Player.

Yes, it is fun modding and pushing classic tables to their max. You get your hands dirty, have more skin in the game and end up with something personal. Besides, it is alot of fun, too.

Right now I'm listening to my maxed out 150 with a Michell Tecnoarm arm and modded Denon 103. This table will tell you what your cartridge is doing, both the good and bad. It's fun shaping out the Denon for either of my modded Benz cartridges. It certainly give me a different window to view through.

My td850 has a current audiomods arm which is handing what my benz m.9 delivers. It has carbon fiber boards and a origin live motor. This table plays as well as any VPI. That is not to talk down VPI, as I feel that make great tables but rather to point out that there are alternative paths to get you there.

That being said, the 160 series can bring a great deal of fun but it does have limits to how far it can go. However, replacing the stock arm will get a great deal more out of the table.  

What ever way you end up going you are asking all the right questions and going in the right direction.

So, building a better plinth is a waste of time? Modifying and building upon an already existing design is also a waste of time?

 That flies in the face of logic because without such activity progress would never occur. Nothing is perfect and everything can be improved upon.

i have no doubt the a stock Prime is an excellent product but that does not make other products less so and a waste of time.

As I indicated, it is when individual creativity and an excellent outcome converge which creates pride in ownership, not just work. Work with out results is just work. Work with results equals pride!

Please reread my post. At no time did I disparage VPI, but rather, I have praised them. My input was to highlight a road less traveled but just as rewarding. Obviously it is not for you but it is for hundreds others.

I would agree that money spent on a great cartridge and phono pre will give tremendous value and should not be taken lightly.

The Thorens TD 850 is a different beast. It was made by Acoustic Signature and is built like a tank. It is a non-suspended table that absolutely has no resemblance to their sprung tables.

Stock this tables was very good. What I've done to it has elevated it to another level.

That being said, comparing it to my maxed out and modded 150 is not night and day. However, the devil is in the details. 

I could live happily forever with each table. But I am on a limited budget, so mega buck tables are out. They compete with tables in the 5000 range.

These units will play nicely with high end components and will tell you what is happening both up and down stream.

Now,  this is not a path that everyone would or should take as it requires an added skill set to achieve, as well as time. A quicker route would be to buy a Prime and be done with it. I can't imagine ever looking back and regretting that purchase. Although, the personal achievement and satisfaction would not compare when creating something on your own. Or at least, pretty much on your own.

Designing, cutting, drilling, finishing is not factored into the enjoyment of a straight out purchase.

Pride in creating can be of high value when the end results pay off.
No doubt.....just buying a Prime will beat a 160 series maxed out mod. However, I think the only thing he has left is to replace the tonearm on his, as other mods have been done. 

Might as well, I say. That is only 500 as opposed to 3000. Upgrade the cartridge...phono stage and enjoy. Then see if the table is really the next step....if so, save up for a Prime. 

Or, just buy a Prime now. You can't go wrong with that move

BTW, Matt and Harry just modded the 3d arm. Darn......don't they know how to stay out of the Garage? lol

I would love to see pictures of your table. A Music Hall Cruise Control or Phoenix system would also be a great add on down the road.


Buy some Dynamat and apply it to the underside of the table. It does a great job of damping resonance. 

I'm sure it is a looker and, if particular care is given to modding, it will sound very good. My experience tells me that after upgrading you tonearm, and where you are at, an improvement in your cartridge and phono stage will be more noticeable than an upgrade to your table. 
Trust me, that an amazing difference will occur after your arm is swapped out.

Enjoy your journey. In the end that is really what it is all about.
I've finally updated my virtual system and have posted pictures of my modded out TD 850. I tried to show everything that I did to it.

I'm not familiar with the Rogue phono section but I can't imagine it being bad.
Without the tonearm upgrade on the Thorens the VPI will wipe it clean. The single biggest improvement I had when I tricked out my 166 was a change from the stock arm to a Rega. That coupled with everything else I did made in one great sounding table. That doesn't mean it would sound better than a VPI Classic, though.

I would be totally happy with the VPI and I think you will be, too.
Wow! Something is really wrong. I hope you get it sorted out. However, if you send it back and stay with the Thorens, you will be very impressed with what a new tone arm will do to your table.

if you can try to get a Michell Technoarm or Audiomods. I've used both and they wring the best out of an already very good arm.

Sorry about your current disappointment.

My Thorens TDC 850 was made by Acoustic Signature. I have molded it though with a Origin Live motor, carbon fiber motor plate and carbon fiber tone arm board. I run an Audiomods arm. The plinth, bearing and platter is very good. 

It is the best table I've owned. Acaustic Signature makes great tables. Enjoy.